COMMON PLACES Guide for the assessment and interpretation of public space The PSSS method described and illustrated is available HERE.
Save the date, October 8th-9th!

Meet our guests here: Speakers. All the information about the event here: PSSS Conference.
Newsletter September 2018

PSSS’s newsletter with a summary of the most recent project activities here.
PSSS Final Conference | October 8th-9th, 2018

PSSS is entering in its final stage and will share its results at a conference in October. The conference aims to interact with all stakeholders in a new way of considering and interpreting the public space, as a root of urbanity, which by its relational nature is interdependent of variables, contexts and circumstances. What is […]
PSSS On the w@terfront

The journal On the w@terfront published a number dedicated to the PSSS. The content corresponds to the presentation of the project in Barcelona within the seminar “Public Space: challenges and opportunities” and it consists of three articles in video format: “Presentation of the PSSS”: resumo + vídeo “Public space evaluation – concepts and tools”: resumo + vídeo “Antofagasta, a context of local and global public […]
Newsletter February 2018

PSSS’s newsletter with a summary of the most recent project activities here.
Barcelona seminar – Public Space: challenges and opportunities – January 2018

The PSSS was presented in Barcelona at the seminar “Public space: challenges and opportunities”. The following visits have also occurred: Inhabited projects I (Bon Pastor) guided by Associació de Veïns i Veïnes del Bon Pastor Inhabited projects II (Baró de Viver) guided by X. Salas e T. Vidal (CR POLIS-UB) ‘Commo-disney- fication’: charms and conflicts guided by […]
Discussion session with stakeholders (Dec 2017)

On December 11, 2017, PSSS held an afternoon of discussion with various stakeholders on issues of public space, it consisted by practical applications of the project’s concepts and collection of views on the evaluation tool under development. The session had a group of 21 participants composed by planners, managers, users, representatives of municipalities and other […]
Public Space: challenges and opportunities – a three-day international seminar – Barcelona, January 15th-17th, 2018

The University of Barcelona team is organizing a seminar that will take place from the 15th to the 17th of January with the following content: Public space, as an urban service system: presentation of the PSSS project, cultures and practices of urban design, principles of the project: interdisciplinarity, conceptual and epistemological framework, tools for public space interpretation […]
PSSS Public presentation | 12th December

The public presentation of PSSS – Public Space’s Service System research project will take place in CIUL – Centro de Informação Urbana de Lisboa, on the next 12th December.