PSSS project references and several resources on public spaces.
- CABE, Design Council
- Urban Design Skills | Placecheck
- PPS | Recursos para construir lugares
- CR POLIS | Edições sobre espaço público e arte pública
- UN-Habitat | Global Public Space Toolkit
- Global Designing Cities Initiative (GDCI) | Global Street Design Guide
- “O Urbano e a Urbanística ou os tempos das formas” Nuno Portas and Nuno Travasso
- Making life visible, Jan Gehl
- Life Between Buildings, Jan Gehl
- The Human Scale, Jan Gehl
- The Social Life of Small Urban Spaces, William H. Whyte
- Public Space. Espais compartits amb…, Francesco Indovina
- Whose public space?, Ali Madanipour
- The Problems, Potential and Complexities of Mixed Streets, Matthew Carmona