The exhibition “ The street belong to all of us” was held in MUDE, in Lisbon, from 26th November 2010 to 20th February 2011. An exhibition by the City on the Move Institute was presented on Portugal in partnership with Associação Europan Portugal.
Who and what are the streets for? Who do they belong to? Who decides, controls, oversees? How can we reconcile all the speeds, all the forms of transportation, the needs of residents and passersby, of shopkeepers…? How can we make them interpretable, fluid, friendly? How much should advertising, business, freedom of expression, art, be able to show themselves in the street, take over the street?
The exhibition explores the diversity of experiences and uses, as well as the transformations that a street has been subject to in cities of the five continents. Proposes a discussion on the role of public space within contemporary city, the importance of design and street furniture, new governance practices, creative dynamics, and different experiences, problems and challenges of today’s future. It explores these issue through an audiovisual installation, personal narratives, illustrations and explorations, architectural and urban design projects, and more than a hundred photographs from the archives of the big international press agencies.
Important features of the exhibition are available on-line