On December 11, 2017, PSSS held an afternoon of discussion with various stakeholders on issues of public space, it consisted by practical applications of the project’s concepts and collection of views on the evaluation tool under development. The session had a group of 21 participants composed by planners, managers, users, representatives of municipalities and other […]
Survey release

PSSS is releasing a survey to gather opinions and points of view with different perspectives on the public space, extended to all those who want to collaborate in it.
New Lisbon Central Axis

In the celebration of the end of Lisbon Central Axis’ public space renovation, several activities occupied avenues and square, showing how can these public spaces be used in different ways. What is more important for the use of space: its space and form or the will of people to make good use of it?.
Terreiro do Paço 2006 2013

Public Space is always changing. A small photographic report of Terreiro do Paço, Lisboa in 2006 (in between transformation projects) and in 2013 (after the conclusion of the new public space project).