As a main result of the project, the PSSS Method for the assessment and interpretation of public space was developed and is available in both publications edited and also online. This blog and the e-mail will remain as open channels of communication with all those interested in the subject and in applying the assessment […]
Presentation of the book “O LUGAR DE TODOS. Interpretar o espaço público urbano”

On March 27 was presented the book “O LUGAR DE TODOS. Interpretar o espaço público urbano”, final publication of the PSSS, at the Centro de Informação Urbana de Lisboa. The session consisted of a round table moderated by Bárbara Reis, with the participation of João Seixas, José Veludo and the coordinators of the publication, Ana […]
Book launch “O LUGAR DE TODOS. Interpretar o espaço público urbano”

The PSSS team invites for the presentation of a book about the “place of all”, an output of a research that states new interdisciplinary ideas and proposes a new framework for public space assessment: what is it for? how is it structured? who has an interest? what value does it offer? Book presentation and round table […]
Available online!

COMMON PLACES Guide for the assessment and interpretation of public space The PSSS method described and illustrated is available HERE.
Final conference – Live stream

PSSS final conference «What is Public Space for? It depends …», on the 8th and 9th of October, will be live streamed from Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian in Lisbon. Watch here Or follow the link
Save the date, October 8th-9th!

Meet our guests here: Speakers. All the information about the event here: PSSS Conference.
Newsletter September 2018

PSSS’s newsletter with a summary of the most recent project activities here.
REGISTRATIONS ARE NOW OPEN for the PSSS Final Conference | October 8th-9th, 2018

Here you can find all the information about the event: PSSS Conference.
PSSS Final Conference | Call for posters

Call for posters Programme (Soon we will announce more details related with the event.)
PSSS Final Conference | October 8th-9th, 2018

PSSS is entering in its final stage and will share its results at a conference in October. The conference aims to interact with all stakeholders in a new way of considering and interpreting the public space, as a root of urbanity, which by its relational nature is interdependent of variables, contexts and circumstances. What is […]